
默多克关闭涉窃听门世界新闻报 捍卫新闻帝国

2011年07月11日 00:45 来源:经济参考报


  N ew s C orp .hasfaced criticism andinvestigations for years intheU .K . over thetabloid’s reportingm ethods,w hichinvolvedtheuseof outsiderstointercept them obile-phonevoicem ails of celebrities andpoliticians.T he scandal gatheredm om entum this w eekfol-low ingallegations that the paper usedthe sam etactic toaccess voicem ails linkedtom urderedgirls

  andvictim s of the2005Londonterroristbom bings. P rim e MinisterD avid C am eronagreedWednesdaytolaunch apublicinquiryintovoice-m ail interceptionbythe N ew s of theW orld。



  T he num ber ofN ew s ofthe Worldadvertisers distancingthem selves from thetab-loidgrew W ednesdayas G eneral M otors Co.’s V auxhall,M itsubishi M otors Corp.,super-m arket C o-O perativeG roupL td. andLloydsBankingG roupPLC joinedFordM otor C o. insuspending ads from th e paper.O th ercom panies─including consum er-goodsgiantP rocter & G am bleC o . and superm arketT escoPL C─saidtheyw ereconsideringtheirpositions。

  周三(6日),有更多广告客户急忙与《世界新闻报》撇清关系,通用汽车公司旗下英国子公司沃克斯豪尔、三菱汽车公司、超市运营商C o-O perativeG roupLtd。和劳埃德银行集团也加入了福特汽车公司的行列,暂停在该报做广告。包括消费品巨头宝洁公司和超市运营商乐购在内的其它公司说,他们正在考虑自己的立场。(美国《华尔街日报》)


  Shares inN ew s C orpfell 5.1per cent bylunchtim einN ew Y orkas shareholders fearedthat the political

  firestorm envelopingthe N ew sof theWorldnew spapercouldjeopardizethegroup’s chances of

  takingfull control of itshighlyprofitableU K satellitebroadcaster,BritishSkyBroadcasting。



  R evelationsthat theN ew sof theWorldm ayhaveaccessedthevoicem ail m essagesofcrim e victim s—includinganabducted13-year-old girl laterfound m urdered—havecausedoutrage inBritainandbrought toa heada long-running saga previously thoughtto havetargetedonlycelebrities andother high-profilefigures。



  (肖莹莹 编译)


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