http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2011-10-25 08:30 来源: 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
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地点:国务院新闻办公室新闻发布厅(朝阳门内大街225号) 国务院新闻办公室
The State Council Information Office welcomes your attendance to the press conference with the theme of Industrial and Communications Sectors Work Well in General in the First Three Quarters at 10:00 A.M., October 26, 2011 (Wednesday) at the Briefing Hall of the State Council Information Office. Issues on performance of China’s industrial and communication sectors in the first three quarters of 2011 and current hotspot challenges in the industrial and communication sectors will be introduced by Mr. Xiao Chunquan, Director General of Bureau of Operation Monitoring and Coordination of MIIT and others, and they will answer the questions asked by journalists as well.
To raise the efficiency of the press conference,any questions concerned on the topic are warmly welcome to Notice@scio.gov.cn (E-mail)(cc:shaochunguang@miit.gov.cn), 65592311 (Fax/Telephone).Please take the press card issued by the State Council Information Office and wear the card during the press conference. No one is allowed to enter the press briefing hall without his own card.
Contact: 65592311
Add: No. 225, Chao Yang Men Nei Da Jie, Beijing, the Briefing Hall of the State Council Information Office
The State Council Information Office
October 21, 2011