
The 1st Philippine International BioEnergy Conference (PIBEC)

http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2011-11-07 11:49 来源: 商务部网站

  The 1st Philippine International BioEnergy Conference (PIBEC) is a landmark platform of the Philippinegovernment that aims to bring in the key industry players of bioenergy in Asia and across the globe,and an ideal venue for the industry players to discuss the multitude of opportunities in the Philippines for the bioenergy markets.

  The PIBEC is an offshoot to the accomplishments of the bioenergy sector of the Philippines thus, expecting to spur investments in the industry and will further the developments of renewable energy initiatives in the Philippines.

  Coverage of the Conference: The 1st PIBEC aims to assemble the bioenergy industry players, from farmer groups, plant producers, investment groups, financing institutions, academe, and others to tackle the following topics:

  ?Renewable Energy (Biofuels and Biomass in the Philippines)

  ?Investment Opportunities for Biofuels and Biomass

  ?Incentives on Agro-industrial Economic Zone

  ?Testimonials of Biofuel Producers

  ?Integrated Ethanol Production

  ?Fuel Quality Specifications for Biodiesel and Bioethanol

  ?Opportunities in Agrarian Reform Communities

  ?Local Farming Technologies for the Integrated Food and Fuel Production

  ?Challenges and Prospects of Second and Third Generation Feedstock

  ?Outlook on Renewable Energy: Asian Perspective

  ?Bioenergy Technologies in Rural Areas: Focus on Village Scale

  ?Renewable Energy Projection in the Philippines: Sources, Market and Technology

  ?Next Steps for the Philippine Bioenergy Sector

  Date: January 12-13,2012

  Venue: Manila Hotel. Fiesta Pavilion, One Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines


  Hosted by Department of Energy (DOE)

  National Biofuels Board (NBB)

  Department of Agriculture (DA)

  Undertaken by Philippine Agricultural Development and Commercial Corporation (PADCC)

  Website: http://www.philippinebioenergy.com/

  Wants to know more about the conference, click here:



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