http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2011-12-12 06:51 来源: 中国经济网
A pple’spatentbattle w ith Sam sungeruptedinthe springafter A pple filedthe firstlaw suitalleging thatSam sung’sG alaxysm artphones andtablets infringedits patents.T he requestforinjunction w asdenied,allow ingSam sungtom ove intothe m ost criticalshoppingperiodof the year at full steam ahead.
苹果与三星专利大战爆发于今年春季,此前苹果公司提起诉讼,指控三星G alaxy系列智能手机和平板电脑侵犯了其专利。苹果提出的禁令申请被驳回,这样三星得以全力挺进一年中最重要的购物季。(美国《华尔街日报》)
A pple couldface disruptiontoiPadsales inC hinaafteracourt rejecteditsclaim toow ntheiPadtradem arkinthecountryandarivalsought tohalt its sales intw oChinese cities.
苹果在中国的iPad销售可能中断,此前中国一家法院驳回了苹果(A pple)在中国持有iPad商标的主张,同时一家竞争对手唯冠科技试图阻止iPad在两个中国城市的销售。(英国《金融时报》)
Proview T echnology(Shenzhen),a strugglingTaiw anese-ow ned com pany that registered tradem arksfor the nam e iPadinm any countries before A ppleconceived its tablet com puter.A pple then sued ProviewTechnology(Shenzhen),asking the court to declare theU S com panytherightful ow nerof theiP adtradem arks inChina. T he Shenzheninterm ediatepeople’s court rejected that request earlier this week.
T heright tousetheiPadnam einC hinais crucial for A pple,w here the com panyis intheprocess of openingm orestores. Executiveshave saidtheyhave just scratchedthe surface inChina interm s of sales.
Intablets,A ppleenjoys thebenefit thatcom esfrom beingan earlym over--theiPaddom inatesthetablet m arket,accountingform orethanthreequarters of all tablets soldbym ost estim ates. B utw ith thetabletm arketgrow ingrapidly--C anaccordG enuitysays salesw ill rise by66% in2012from the current year--A pple’srivals,including Sam sung,arecom petingharder for sales.
在平板电脑市场上,苹果公司享受着市场先行者所特有的好处:iPad主导着平板电脑市场,按大多数人估计,其销量所占比重超过了四分之三。随着平板电脑市场迅速发展,中介机构CanaccordG enuity说,2012年平板电脑的销量将同比上升66%。苹果的竞争对手(包括三星电子在内)对销量的竞争将更加激烈。(美国《华尔街日报》)
(闫磊 王珏 编译)