http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2012-05-28 00:59 来源: 经济参考报
G oldm an SachsA ssetM anagem entC o .aim s tolaunchthe fundinJulyor A ugust w ithan initial sizeof around 30 billion Y en-50billionY en($376m illionto $627m illion). Itw ill aim to increasethesizeof theprivateR E IT to around 100 billion Y en in tw o tothree years,the personsaid.
T heR E IT w ill invest inofficebuildingsandsom e residential andretail properties m ainlyinthe Tokyom etropolitanarea,theysaid.
D espite the sluggishness inthe T okyoreal-estatem arket,thecity hasseen an officebuildingconstructionboom w ith anum berofnew prim e-grade buildings ina financial districtbeingcom pletedearlier this year. T heboom isexpectedtocontinue over the next few years.
“Japanesepropertyvalues arereallynearthe bottom now,”saidK ayokoH irao,asso-ciate director of consultingandresearchat D T ZR esearch in T okyo.“T hem arket m ayturnaroundsoon. N ow is the tim e toinvest.”
东 京 的D T Z研 究 机 构 的 咨 询 和 研 究 员K ayokoH irao表示,日本的房地产目前已经接近底部。市场将很快发生转机。现在正是投资的时机。(彭博社)
日本媒体早先也曾报道过高盛准备对日本房地产市场进行投资的消息,但高盛在东京的发言人拒绝对此做出评论。(周武英 编译)