http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2011-10-07 00:30 来源: 商务部网站
穆迪对抵押银行评级:财政稳定E+,本币存款长期信用B1,外币存款长、短期信用: B2\Not Prime;长期前景预测:稳定级。穆迪对信贷—标准银行评级:财政稳定E+,本、外币存款长期信用:B2,本、外币短期存款信用:Not\Prime。
据乌兹别克斯坦中央银行消息,乌央行新批准设立私人股份制商业银行"Hi-Tech Bank"。该银行注册资本金52.5亿苏姆(按现行官方汇率计算约合350万美元),自然人持股占51%。至此,乌现有商业银行数量达31家。
阿萨卡银行(БАНК АСАКА):主要为汽车工业改造融资服务;
抵押银行(ИПОТЕКА – БАНК):主要为房地产业服务。
国家外经银行阿萨卡银行 工业建设银行棉花银行抵押银行
棉花银行与世界上33个外国银行建有同业代理关系,可通过CONTACT/COINSTAR/WESTERN UNION系统进行国际汇兑。
外经银行:2007年12月,穆迪投资者服务公司评定:银行金融稳定等级(BFSR)E+,本币长期和短期存款等级BA3/NOT PRIME,外币长期和短期存款等级B3/NOT PRIME。2008年11月,标准普尔公司对外经银行评级:长期和短期信贷为“B”级,评级预测为“稳定”级。此外,俄罗斯EXPERT RA评定偿付能力A级。在THE BANKER杂志列出的世界1000家大银行中排名第703位。
工业建设银行:乌本国银行间评级公司AHBOR RATING授予工业建设银行 UZA+。 2003、2004、2007年被THE BANKER杂志评为乌最佳银行;2007年,作为乌首家商业银行获得惠誉公司评级:长期贷款信用B-,预测“稳定”,短期贷款B,个人贷款D/E, 支持等级5;2008年第三季度,惠誉再次确认“稳定”等级。
棉花银行:2008年,穆迪公司授予:本币存款长期信用等级B1,金融稳定等级 (RFUB)E+。
*国际评级机构对乌所有银行均评为有偿付能力,特别是在乌政府注资后,上述银行均获得稳定等级的预测。外经银行、棉花银行和KhamkorBank银行首先被国际评级公司评定为国际等级(international rating)。2008年,国际三大评级机构对乌主要商业银行的信用评级均为“B”或“B-”级,评级预测均为“稳定”级。穆迪投资者服务公司向乌银行系统授予三个方面的“稳定”等级。相比之下,独联体经济实力最强的俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦的一些大银行,如俄罗斯储蓄银行、外经银行、外贸银行、莫斯科银行、哈萨克商业银行、人民银行、招商银行、开发银行以及乌克兰的十几家银行都惨遭降级,评级预测均为“负面”级。这说明,乌银行体系虽然规模小,但独立性强,受此次国际金融海啸的冲击极为有限。
1、外经银行NATIONAL BANK OF UZBEKISTAN for Foreign Economic Activity (NBU):
2007年12月,穆迪投资者服务公司对乌外经银行评级如下:银行金融稳定等级(BFSR)E+;本币长期和短期存款等级(BA3/NOT PRIME);外币长期和短期存款等级(B3/NOT PRIME)。全部等级具有稳定的预测。在独联体市场较大的评级公司—俄罗斯EXPERT RA评级公司对乌外经银行的偿付能力评为“A”级。《THE BANKER》杂志列出的世界1000家大银行中,乌外经银行排名第703位。 2008年11月12日,乌外经银行首次获得了标准普尔公司的评级,也是乌第一家获得标普评级的银行。长期和短期信贷评级均为“B”级,评级预测为“稳定”级。此外,俄罗斯EXPERT RA评定乌外经银行偿付能力为A级,THE BANKER杂志将乌外经银行排在世界1000家大银行中的第703位。
2、阿萨卡银行ASAKA BANK:2008年6月,惠誉银行评级为:长期信用和短期信用等级B,支持等级4,支持水平等级B,长期预测为稳定。2009年6月,穆迪公司评级为:金融稳定E+,本币长期信用B1、短期信用NotPrime,外币长期信用B3、短期信用NotPrime,全部评级预测为“稳定”。2009年7月,惠誉为该银行评级为:长期很短期信贷均为B,预测为稳定,个人评级为D/E,支持评级为4。
3、棉花银行Pakhta BANK:为乌第四大银行,成立于2005年。近年来,Pakhta银行继续执行其向乌农业部门提供无障碍银行服务的长期战略。该银行扩展了其小型银行网络,使全国参与农业产业化的大多数农民和实体可以得到该银行的服务。到2007年底,该银行在各地的小型银行数量已达到700余家。他们向客户提供“量身定做”的服务,既有传统的银行项目,还有先进的结构性产品。Pakhta投入巨资发展IT技术,在电信基础设施欠发达地区的小型银行中安装无线网络设备,还建立了一个总后备结算中心,处理通过扩容惠普rx6600和EVA5000磁盘机群系统UNIX服务器的付款业务,这一创新大大提高了交易和数据传输的可靠性。Pakhta银行成为乌历史上第一家获得国际评级机构--惠誉国际充分评级的商业银行。2003、2004、2007年被《THE BANKER》杂志评为“乌兹别克斯坦最佳银行”。2008年第三季度,国际评级机构--惠誉国际对该银行评为“稳定”等级,成为乌历史上第一家获得惠誉国际充分评级的商业银行。作为乌首家商业银行获得惠誉公司评级:长期贷款信用B-,预测“稳定”,短期贷款B,个人贷款D/E, 支持等级5,支持水平等级B-。2008年第三季度,国际评级机构--惠誉国际对该银行评为“稳定”等级。
4、工业建设银行UZPROMSTROYBANK:A+(AHBOR RATING)2003、2004、2007年被“THE BANKER”杂志评为“乌兹别克斯坦最佳银行”。2008年第三季度,国际评级机构--惠誉国际对该银行评为“稳定”等级,成为乌历史上第一家获得惠誉国际充分评级的商业银行。2009年7月,惠誉将该银行长期信贷评级从B-提高到B,支持评级从5降到4,短期信贷评级为B,个人评级为D/E。
5、抵押银行IPOTEKA-BANK:抵押银行为乌第五大商业银行,于2005年成立,注册资本258亿苏姆,净资产5180亿苏姆,拥有客户18.7户。2008年第三季度,穆迪投资者服务公司向乌兹别克斯坦抵押银行授予了“本币存款长期信用等级”B1级和“金融稳定等级” E+级(RFUB)。所有评级均预测为“稳定”。评级考虑到盈利能力、高资本化水平、与国际金融机构合作的经验以及提供足够的贷款组合质量等因素。穆迪公司认为,该银行客户群的多样化,与国际合作组织和国金融机构的进一步合作将成为改善排名的有利因素。穆迪公司期望抵押银行在必要时获得政府适当的支持,这将对该银行的存款评级产生有利影响。穆迪的这种期望是基于该银行吸收了很大份额的零星存款、发放了大量抵押贷款的事实,说明该银行在乌居民中有较强的社会影响,起到了银行体系作为社会建设的参与者的作用。
6、信贷标准银行KREDIT-STANDARD BANK:2008年10月,穆迪投资者服务公司向乌兹别克斯坦信贷—标准银行(Kredit-Standard BANK)授予B2/NP/E+等级,即长期本币存款等级为b2,短期本币存款等级为NOT PRIME,财政稳定等级为E+。信贷—标准银行成立于2003年8月,注册资本为13亿苏姆,总资产2180亿苏姆,截止到2008年10月1日股份资本为294亿苏姆。在该行可以办理Visa Electron 和Visa Classic信用卡。
7、资本银行KAPITAL BANK:2008年11月12日,标普公司向该行授予B-/稳定/C级。
8、阿洛卡银行ALOKA BANK:2008年9月,穆迪公司授予该行B1/NP/E+等级:外汇存款B3/Np,金融稳定性E+,长期和短期本币存款B1/NP,长期和短期外币存款B3/NP。全部等级预测为稳定。ALOKA银行资本额297亿苏姆,总资产1750亿苏姆,12个分行、32家微型银行、49家储蓄所、39个外汇兑换点、41个国际汇款处,有储户6.11万,发行信用卡3.63万张。该行主要为乌电信领域服务。
Fitch upgrades Uzbekistan's Agrobank and Uzpromstroybank; affirms Asaka Bank
13.07.2009 20:07:17
Fitch Ratings has on 13 July upgraded Uzbekistan-based OJSC Agrobank's (AB) and Uzpromstroybank's (UPSB) Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to 'B' from 'B-'. The Long-term IDR of Asaka Bank (Asaka) is affirmed at 'B'. A full list of rating actions is provided at the end of this commentary.
The upgrades of AB and UPSB follow recent equity issues by the two banks which have resulted in state bodies - the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Uzbekistan Fund for Reconstruction and Development (UFRD) - together holding majority stakes in both banks and their Supervisory Boards now being chaired by the Prime Minister (AB) and Deputy Prime Minister (UPSB). Taking into account the more direct and visible government control of the banks, Fitch considers there to be now less uncertainty about the authorities' propensity to support the banks in case of need. Asaka remains majority owned by the MOF and UFRD, and all three banks have significant domestic franchises and operate to a large degree as agents of government policy in serving particular sectors of the economy. Taking into account these factors, Fitch now factors similar support expectations into its ratings of the three banks.
Fitch's view of the probability of support from Uzbek authorities to the banks is constrained by Fitch's assessment of the sovereign's own credit profile. At the same time, sovereign resources are considerable relative to the size of the national banking sector, whose liabilities were equal to a moderate estimated 28% of GDP at end-2008 and consisted mainly of deposits of domestic customers and placements by government bodies. In particular, Fitch understands that sovereign foreign currency reserves of around USD9.5bn at end-2008 exceeded external banking liabilities by 8x-10x, with a large majority of banks' foreign borrowings already guaranteed by the government and/or obtained from international financial institutions. Further movements in the IDRs of AB, Asaka and UPSB will likely be driven by changes in Fitch's assessment of Uzbekistan's sovereign credit profile, and Fitch's view of the ability and propensity of the authorities to support the banks in case of need.
The 'D/E' Individual rating of AB reflects the bank's size, which is small by international standards, its high-risk profile given its single-sector concentration (loans to agricultural companies represented 73% of end-5M09 loans), weak profitability and the challenging operating environment. At the same time, the rating considers the bank's currently manageable loan impairment levels, and limited refinancing and market risk. Upside for the bank's Individual rating is currently limited, but AB's stand-alone credit profile could benefit from growth of franchise, a notable improvement in profitability and improvements in the Uzbek operating environment. The planned further equity increase in H209, following that in Q109, will also provide at least short-term support to AB's currently modest capitalisation. The major risk to which AB is exposed is a failure in any year of the cotton or grain crop, which could result in large credit losses and, possibly, the need for external support, thus causing a downgrade of the Individual rating.
Agrobank was established in 1995 as Pakhta Bank and was reorganised and renamed in Q109. The reorganisation involved the subsequent takeover of the business of the smaller Uzbek bank, Gallabank, which specialised in servicing grain producers. At end-Q109, AB was the fourth-largest bank in the country, holding around 9% of sector assets. AB plays a central role in delivering agricultural credit, mainly to cotton and grain producers, in Uzbekistan.
The 'D/E' Individual rating of Asaka considers the bank's rapid loan growth (up 27% in 2008, with a similar trend in 5M09), concentrated balance sheet (both by segment and counterparty), the weak quality of directed lending assets (rescheduled loans and those under litigation accounted for a significant, albeit reduced, 13% of end-2008 loans, with a further 5.7% of loans rescheduled in 5M09), modest profitability and the challenging operating environment. The rating also considers the bank's adequate capitalisation (Basel I tier 1 and total capital ratios were 28.8% and 31.7%, respectively, at end-2008), which has been further supported by the new large capital injection in Q109, planned to be followed by another in H209. Upside potential for the bank's Individual rating is currently limited, but Asaka's stand-alone credit profile could benefit from franchise diversification, a better track record on asset quality, a notable improvement in profitability and a stronger operating environment. Downward pressure could result from further deterioration in loan quality, combined with significant reductions of capital ratios.
Asaka was set up in 1995 (by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan), initially to service the needs of the automobile industry. Since then, the bank's client base has diversified to include companies from the textile, trade, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and construction sectors. As at end-Q109, Asaka was the third-largest bank in Uzbekistan, holding nearly 12% of sector assets. The bank serves clients through a broad branch network which covers all 13 regional centres of Uzbekistan.
The 'D/E' Individual rating of UPSB reflects its small size, high concentrations in the loan portfolio and customer funding, and certain weaknesses in the operating environment. At the same time, the rating considers UPSB's currently reasonable capital adequacy (Basel I total capital ratio was 16.9% at end-2008). UPSB's asset quality has been manageable to date, with the largest problem exposure serviced by the state under its guarantee obligation. Upside potential for the bank's Individual rating is limited, but UPSB's stand-alone credit profile could benefit from diversification of the bank's franchise and customer base and improvement in asset quality. Significant credit losses or a marked deterioration in UPSB's liquidity would exert downward pressure on the Individual rating.
UPSB was established on the basis of a branch of the Soviet Industry and Construction Bank. The bank's main function is to contribute to the development of local industries by granting long-term loans for capital investment purposes. UPSB's main clientele includes strategic national corporations from the energy, telecommunication, chemical and transportation industries. At end-Q109, UPSB was the second-largest bank in Uzbekistan, with a market share of 12%. The Individual rating reflects the standalone strength of a bank while the Support rating reflects the probability of support from a majority shareholder and/or the government.
Rating actions are as follows:
OJSC Agrobank:
Long-term IDR: upgraded to 'B' from 'B-'; Outlook Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D/E'
Support rating: upgraded to '4' from '5'
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B' from 'B-'
Asaka Bank:
Long-term IDR: affirmed at 'B'; Outlook Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D/E'
Support rating: affirmed at '4'
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at 'B'
Long-term IDR: upgraded to 'B' from 'B-'; Outlook Stable
Short-term IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D/E'
Support rating: upgraded to '4' from '5' Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B' from 'B-'