http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2012-01-18 16:35 来源: 商务部网站CHINA-TURKEY TRADE CENTER PROJECT
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: The fundamental objectives of the project are to develop the trade between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Turkey, to extend the scope of the import and export relations between these two countries, to benefit mutually from the values owned by these countries and to get the parties together at a common center for the purposes of technological cooperation and conclusion of investment agreements. In addition, it should be deemed as the other objectives of the project to enhance the tourism operations between these countries, to introduce the cultures of both countries, and to organize events serving for these purposes.
PLACE OF THE PROJECT: EsenyurtTurkeySide of D-100 (E-5) . Next to Carrefour. Between Avc?lar and Beylikdüzü .
PROJECT INFORMATION:The project shall be carried out at the facility named “Taksit Center” (its new trade name will be hereinafter referred to as “Veneris al??veri? merkezi” (Veneris shopping center)” located within the area of Esenyurt.
1. Outdoor Area; the trade center to be used as the project center has an available construction area of 125.506 m2.
2. Leasable Area; the project has a leasable area of 43.825 m2, which can be leased to Chinese and Turkish import and export firms. The trade center has been constructed as a 7-level building, including 2 levels of indoor car park at the basement.
3. Public area; the overall public area other than the leasable area (depending on the project design) is approx. 10.000 m2.
4. Independent section; There are 403 independent sections that are leasable as product display stores and offices.
5. Car park; the indoor car park area is 21.389 m2 and the outdoor car park area is 3000 m2.The outdoor car park area can be extended up to 20.000 m2.
6. Other technical specifications; the trade center has 14 escalators, 6 lifts, 4 electric transformers including 2 x 1600 kWA, 1 x 2000 kWA and 1 x 1000 kWA, and 1 x 1130 kWA power generator (extra generator to be installed), Turkcell, Avea and Vodafone base stations, UPS (uninterrupted power supply), and telephone, public-address system and 24 x security cams as the communications and security system.In the trade center, there are also fire warning and lightning conductor systems.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Trade Center Project can be described as a large project, which will develop the trade between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Turkey; contribute to the production of common investment projects; strengthen the relation between the governments; enable the people of both countries to exhibit their own cultural values, and help mutually achieve more advanced levels of tourism.
It is intended to have 300 import and export firms involved in China-Turkey Trade Center. The objective shall be determined as to hold the import and export at equal levels between these countries, considering the current deficients which occur to the disadvantage of Turkey.Accordingly, the potential negative view of the project by Turkish Government shall be prevented, or even it should be ensured that they provide their support for the project.
As the first step, the project shall be introduced to TUSIAD (Turkish Industry & Business Association), MUSIAD (Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association), Young Businessmen Association of Turkey, TUCSIAD (Turkish-Chinese Industrialists and Businessmen Association), the Chambers of Commerce, the Chambers of Industry and similar organizations domiciled in Turkey, and it will be ensured that the project is supported by them. The opinions and guidance of these organizations will contribute to the success of the project. Conducting a similar work in China will ensure that the project achieve its target level.
We understand that the initiatives and announcements conducted by your Honor Consulate both in Turkey and in China is of quite importance. We wish to state that we need your opinions, advices and references in this respect.
Do?an Group ( http://doganholding.com.tr/en/ ) and Milpa (http://www.doganholding.com.tr/en/investments/milpa.aspx) as one of the group companies provide their supports for the Trade Center Management to ensure that the project will be developed and managed in a healthy way.The agreements to be concluded between the Trade Center and China as well as Turkey shall be concluded with the Veneris AVM’s Board of Directors officially representing the independent sections’ owners.
As it is known, Do?an Holding is ranked first in Turkey in terms of media power. This possibility will provide a huge advantage for the announcement, promotion and communication of the project. Milpa will design a media scheme before the commencement of the project and the project coordinator to be assigned for this purpose will ensure the company act within the framework of this scheme.
The import and export firms from both of the countries shall come together in the Trade Center and establish commercial relations. They will be able to conduct their negotiations in well-equipped meeting rooms and to host events. Consultants and advisors shall be available in the Trade Center for the companies who need to be advised with respect to the compliance of these agreements with the legislations of both countries. Additionally, the customs advisor shall be in charge for the companies who need to be informed about the customs regulations. The express delivery companies to operate in delivering samples will be able to open branch offices in the Trade Center.
The Trade Center will also operate as a tourism center. Monthly events will be held to help the tourism of the two countries be improved and tours will be organized for the people of these countries.For this purpose, the important travel companies operating both in China and Turkey will take a place in the Trade Center. The historical and cultural assets in these two countries will be visually presented to the visitors using the cutting-edge technology, and the guides will provide information about them.
CONCLUSION:The Trade Center will have any equipment and infrastructure required for the business negotiations, trade agreements, product display and presentation. The project will enormously contribute to the foreign trade figures of the countries. The tourism relations will considerably help the cultural values of the countries be promoted and the objectives of tourism relations are achieved.
We believe that your honor Consulate will interest in our project and provide support for it. We kindly inform you about our wish to visit your consulate to provide information about the progress following to our last meeting and to receive your opinions about the business plan to be implemented.
Irfan Ozen