http://msn.finance.sina.com.cn 2012-02-14 19:10 来源: 《财经网》![MSN财经](http://stimgcn1.s-msn.com/portal/health/content_v2/buffer.jpg)
在教育领域,越来越多的中国人获得了进入美国顶级大学和学院的机会。在我的家乡华盛顿州,华盛顿大学报告说,今年外籍学生占新生总数的将近18%,其中绝大多数是中国人。在这一日益发展的全国性趋势中,美国学校不仅从学费收入中受益,也为美国学生提供了与中国未来领导人们结交的机会。这促进了相互理解,在未来几年里这种相互理解对两国人民都至关重要。正是因为认识到这种互动的价值,奥巴马总统在2009年宣布了“十万强计划,”这是他的行政当局为增加学习普通话和在中国留学的美国学生而做出的独特努力 – 它是我们两国共同的进步中一项重要的长期投资。
Gary Locke
U.S. Ambassador to China
This week, Joe Biden will host Xi Jinping in the United States, in ahistoric meeting between our two countries’ Vice Presidents. The visit will takeplace almost exactly 40 years after President Nixon’s historic visit to China inFebruary, 1972. Looking back, there is much to celebrate regarding ourrelationship, which has brought long-lasting benefits for our two countries,including significant economic gains for both of our peoples。
China’s remarkable growth was sparked by its own economic reforms,ingenuity, and hard work. Yet it was also made possible by greater access tointernational markets, new technologies, and direct investment from the UnitedStates and other major economies。
The United States has also benefited greatly from our relationship. Weexported almost $104 billion worth of goods to China last year, up 13% over 2010and more than 40% higher than 2009. In this time of economic recovery, weespecially value our trade relationship with China。
Our economies certainly complement one another. China is the largest exportmarket for U.S. agricultural products. Last year, China made large purchases ofU.S. corn.Record U.S. exports of agricultural commodities overall helped createAmerican jobs in farming states such as Iowa, a state that Vice President Xiwill be visiting. These timely exports in turn helped China by reducing foodprice inflation on foodstuffs affected by drought and disease。
In the field of education, China is gaining access to world-classuniversities and colleges in the U.S. In my home state, the University ofWashington reported that foreign students comprise almost 18 percent of itsincoming class this year — the vast majority of which are Chinese. In thisgrowing, nationwide trend, U.S. schools benefit not only from tuition revenues,but also by offering American students the opportunity to forge bonds withChina’s future leaders. This promotes the kind of mutual understanding that willbe so important to our two peoples in the years ahead. Recognizing the value ofthese interactions, President Obama announced in 2009 the 100,000 StrongInitiative, his administration’s signature effort to increase the number ofAmerican students learning Mandarin and studying abroad in China – asignificant, long-term investment in the shared progress of our countries。
Even in areas that require improvement in the U.S.-China relationship, wehave fundamentally common interests. We want market-based exchange and interestrates, as well as protection of intellectual property. Over the long-term, sodoes China. China’s own Five-Year Plan seeks to move its economy away from heavyindustry-based, export-led growth toward a sustainable economic model — onedriven by innovation and higher household expenditures. Innovation can onlythrive where intellectual property is protected. Household savings and spendingcan only grow when families earn reasonable returns on their savings。
We know that what China wants is better access to travel visas, hightechnology goods, and investment opportunities in the U.S. market. Not one ofthese goals is fundamentally at odds with U.S. interests. The U.S. travelindustry benefits from having more Chinese visitors. U.S. companies wouldbenefit from increased exports of high-tech goods for civilian end-use. AndAmericans have greater job opportunities when Chinese companies set up factoriesor offices in the United States。
It is also in the interests of both countries to see China’s ongoingeconomic reforms succeed, for instance, to reduce its reliance on creditsubsidies and market access preferences for inefficient state-owned enterprises,to abide by its international commitments to prevent technology theft, and toallow foreign companies to compete for government procurement contracts。
We support China’s efforts to increase public spending on health andeducation, to establish a strong social safety net for the poor and elderly, andto expand consumer access to financial services. These are areas where theUnited States has resources and experience that can benefit Chinesecitizens。
The U.S. and China both face many challenges and uncertainties. Yet in thatuncertainty, there is great opportunity for an even stronger, more mutuallybeneficial relationship between our two great nations. Vice President XiJinping’s historic visit to the U.S. has the potential to reinvigorate oureconomic and cultural ties, leading to the coming round of the annual Strategic& Economic Dialogue, and enhancing our many state and provincial levelexchanges。
We've come a long way these past forty years. Vice President Xi may noticesome superficial changes when he visits Washington D.C., Iowa, and Californiathis month. But the welcome he receives from everyday Americans will be just aswarm as it was when he visited in 1985, as a provincial leader. We Americans areincreasingly aware of our shared destiny with China and we look forward to adeep and lasting friendship. Here’s to another forty years of progress—and thensome。